Sett Dey Damiana Mother Tincture Q is a natural remedy for various health issues, including neurasthenia, chronic prostatic discharge, and menstrual health.

Sett Dey Damiana Mother Tincture Q is a useful remedy for neurasthenia, a condition characterized by debility from nervous prostration. It is also effective in treating chronic prostatic discharge, renal and cystic catarrh, and frigidity in females. Additionally, it may aid in the establishment of normal menstrual flow in young girls. The tincture is made from the key ingredient Damiana, which provides its therapeutic benefits.

Dosage Form:

How to Use:
As directed by the health advisor

How it Works:
The exact mechanism of action of Sett Dey Damiana Mother Tincture Q is not specified, but it is believed to work by providing therapeutic benefits from the key ingredient Damiana.


Sett Dey Damiana Mother Tincture Q

30 ml Mother Tincture
Sett Dey & Co (Homeo) Lab
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