Sabates Turbo Boost Capsule is a natural product that helps to increase blood flow to the male genital areas, boosting stamina, strength, and energy levels, and libido.

Sabates Turbo Boost Capsule is a herbal product that helps to increase blood flow to the male genital areas, boosting stamina, strength, and energy levels, and libido. It contains a blend of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Kali musli, Ashwagandha, Konch beej, Loh bhasma, Shatavari, and Punarnava. This product is beneficial in boosting libido, stamina, and power, and has no side effects.

Dosage Form:

How to Use:
Take one capsule twice a day with lukewarm milk.

How it Works:
The exact mechanism of action is not specified, but the natural ingredients in the product are believed to work together to increase blood flow to the male genital areas, boosting stamina, strength, and energy levels, and libido.


Sabates Turbo Boost Capsule

10 capsules
Inlazer International
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