Nisarg Organic Farm Alfalfa Leaf Powder is a natural supplement that contains essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, niacin, and calcium, which helps in cleansing the blood, alleviating allergies, and promoting healthy digestion.

Nisarg Organic Farm Alfalfa Leaf Powder is a natural supplement that contains essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, niacin, and calcium. It is a source of iron, niacin, boitin, folic acid, cacium, magnesium, phosphorus and pottasium. It helps in cleansing the blood, helps in alleviating allergies, aids in blood clotting, promotes healthy digestion and can ease morning sickness.

Dosage Form:

How to Use:
Take 1 tbsp of alfalfa powder with warm water, juice or yoghurt

How it Works:
The exact mechanism of action is not specified, but it is believed to work by providing essential vitamins and minerals that help in cleansing the blood, alleviating allergies, and promoting healthy digestion.


Nisarg Organic Farm Alfalfa Leaf Powder

1 kg Powder
Nisarg Oragnic Farm
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