Nectar Valley Ashoka Bark Powder is a female health tonic used to balance hormones and improve the functioning of the female reproductive system.

Nectar Valley Ashoka Bark Powder is a natural remedy used to promote women's health and well-being. It is primarily used to balance hormones and improve the functioning of the female reproductive system. Ashoka bark powder has been traditionally used to treat various female health issues, including hormonal imbalances, menstrual discomfort, and reproductive system problems. It is also known for its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and blood purifying properties.

Dosage Form:

How to Use:
Use as directed by the physician.

How it Works:
The exact mechanism of action of Ashoka bark powder is not fully understood, but it is believed to work by balancing hormones and promoting the health of the female reproductive system.


Nectar Valley Pure & Natural Ashoka Bark Powder

250 gm Powder
Bionova Lifesciences
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