Mowell Tuning Fork is a metal instrument used to assess a person's ability to hear various sound frequencies by vibrating at specific frequencies when struck.

Mowell Tuning Fork is a compact and portable instrument used to assess a person's ability to hear various sound frequencies. When struck, it vibrates at a set frequency to produce a musical tone. This instrument can be used to determine if a person has hearing ability by holding it next to the ear or against the skull.

Dosage Form:
Tuning Fork

How to Use:
As directed by the healthcare professional or instructed in an instruction manual.

How it Works:
When struck, the Mowell Tuning Fork vibrates at a set frequency to produce a musical tone. This vibration can be used to stimulate the inner ear and help determine if a person has hearing ability.


Mowell Tuning Fork 512 Hz

1 Unit
Manarti Exports
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