Medica Rolled Bandage is a fine quality, highly absorbent sterile bandage made of cotton, ideal for scrapes, cuts, burns, stitches, and surgical sites.

Medica Rolled Bandage is a sterile bandage made of cotton, designed for wound care in minor emergencies. It is patient-ready and offers excellent wound care for various injuries, including arm, leg, ankle, elbow, wrist, and knee wounds, finger cuts, and more.

Dosage Form:
Rolled Bandage

How to Use:
To be used as per the recommendation of a medical practitioner.

How it Works:
The bandage is used to immobilize injured body parts, provide pressure to control internal or external bleeding, absorb drainage, and secure dressings.


Medica Rolled Bandage 7.5 x 3m

1 Bandage
Medicare Hygiene Ltd
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