Innate Nabhi Veda Pain Relief Oil
Innate Splendore
Key Information
Short Description
Innate Nabhi Veda Pain Relief Oil is a natural remedy for joint and knee pain, providing relief from stiffness, promoting muscle relaxation, and managing inflammation.
Dosage Form
Joint pain and body aches can significantly impact your daily life. Innate Nabhi Veda Pain Relief Oil is a unique solution that targets the root cause of the problem by massaging the navel with a blend of natural ingredients. This oil helps to ease out the pain and relieve the symptoms of joint pain, making it an effective way to manage your pain better.
Directions for Use
Apply 2-3 drops of Joint pain relief Navel Oil into your navel, massage in a circular motion, inside out for 2-3 minutes, wash your belly in the morning. Use it daily on a regular basis for effective results.
How it works
The oil works by targeting the root cause of joint pain, providing relief from stiffness, promoting muscle relaxation, and managing inflammation.
Quick Tips
Do a patch test on your hand before using it on your belly button Recommended Exercise/YOGA: With regular Exercises and Yoga for example Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Tadasana, Child Pose, Surya Namaskar, Virabhadrasana, Adho Mukha Svansana
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