Healthgenie Smart Bluetooth Weight Machine with Fitness Mobile App Sharp Red
Healthgenie India Pvt Ltd
Key Information
Short Description
Healthgenie Smart Bluetooth Weight Machine with Fitness Mobile App is a personal bathroom weighing scale designed for domestic home use only. It measures 18 body metrics and provides smart connectivity, high precision sensors, and comprehensive mobile app integration.
Dosage Form
Not applicable
The Healthgenie Smart Bluetooth Weight Machine with Fitness Mobile App is a revolutionary personal bathroom weighing scale designed to help you achieve your health goals. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, it provides accurate and comprehensive measurements of your body metrics. This intelligent weighing scale is your fitness companion, designed to help you track your progress and maintain your goals.
Directions for Use
Download the Healthgenie fitness mobile app from your app store, pair the scale with the app via Bluetooth, step onto the scale with bare feet to obtain your weight reading, and your data will be automatically recorded and synced with the app.
How it works
The Healthgenie Smart Bluetooth Weight Machine with Fitness Mobile App uses advanced sensors and Bluetooth technology to provide accurate and comprehensive measurements of your body metrics.
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