Fibromoist Spray is a cleaning and irrigating disinfectant solution that effectively inhibits the growth of microorganisms and helps manage damaged skin tissues by triggering skin re-growth and repair.

Fibromoist Spray is a topical and surface antimicrobial, antiseptic disinfectant spray that helps to irrigate, cleanse, and manage the spread of infection in cuts, scratches, abrasions, blisters, mild burns, minor skin injuries, and wounds. It also helps to reduce local irritation, redness, swelling, and pain.

Dosage Form:

How to Use:
Apply/spray the Fibromoist Spray to adequately irrigate the affected area.

How it Works:
Fibromoist Spray has antimicrobial and wound-managing properties that effectively inhibit the growth of microorganisms and help manage damaged skin tissues by triggering skin re-growth and repair.


Fibromoist Spray

50 ml Spray
Fibroheal Woundcare Pvt. Ltd.
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