24 Mantra Organic Assam Tea
Sresta Natural Bioproducts Pvt Ltd
Key Information
Short Description
24 Mantra Organic Assam Tea is a rich and flavorful black tea cultivated in the Assam valley using organic farming techniques, rich in flavonoids and plant compounds that may boost immunity.
Dosage Form
Tea bag
Assam tea is a popular beverage consumed worldwide, known for its rich supply of plant compounds that may boost immunity. This tea is cultivated in the Assam valley using organic farming techniques without the use of harmful chemical insecticides and pesticides.
Directions for Use
Boil 150ml of water, take a tea bag and place it in a cup, pour the boiling water in the cup and seep the tea bag in boiling water for 2-3 minutes
How it works
The exact mechanism of action is not specified, but it is believed to work by providing antioxidants and flavonoids that may boost immunity and improve overall health.